Heart Baumスニーカーの三面図完成!
The three-sided view of the sneaker is complete!
These Heart Baum sneakers are inspired by Tadataka Ino, the Edo-era geographical surveyor who made the first map of Japan.
I’m studying Blender and SubstancePainter because I want to represent them in 3D models this time.
🤍Thoughts behind the 5 colors
【Gerbera Orange】
The orange gerbera with the flower language of 〈always moving forward + adventurous spirit〉 expresses the essence of Tadataka Ino. This gerbera orange is used as the main color for the inside color of the sneaker.
【Dark Blue】【Light Yellow】
These two colors represent the 〈Deep Night〉 and the 〈Hope Star〉, respectively. Tadataka loved astronomy, and the sky and stars were reflected in his eyes every night. The creation of the first map of Japan faced many difficulties, but he overcame the deep darkness and became a star of hope for the people.
This color represents a 〈Gentle Heart〉. Tadataka was a very popular man who sacrificed himself to help people in need during the Tenmei Famine.
This color represents a 〈Youthful Mind〉. He is a hard worker who continued to learn and produce results even in his old age. You can learn from that life that no matter how old you are, you can still challenge.

#drafting #concept #design #art #sneaker #5colors #heart #treerings #heartbaum #inotadataka #三面図 #デザイン画 #アート #スニーカー #ハート #年輪 #ハートバウム #伊能忠敬